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What’s New

Qrvey 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers! This version includes new features including area charts, the ability to pivot and export data, as well as numerous bug fixes and performance improvements.
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Qrvey 8.6
Version 8.6 of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new feature enhancements and performance improvements.
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Required Update for 8.5.1
Attention 8.5.1 customers: for any 8.5.1 instance deployed prior to 08/05/2024, an update is required to ensure you are running the latest images.
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Qrvey 8.5
Version 8.5 (LTS) of the Qrvey platform is now available to customers. This version includes several new features and performance improvements.
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End-of-life Schedule
We've added a new article that lists the features and endpoints that have been scheduled for deprecation. All features and endpoints will be supported for (1) year after the release date of the LTS version that contains the alternative.
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Version: 8.1

Pixel-perfect Reports Widget

The Pixel-perfect Reports widget enables you to embed the Pixel-perfect Reports feature in an application.

Before You Begin

  • Review the Widget Quick Start Guide for an overview of the widget components.
  • Obtain your unique API key. It was provided in the welcome email that your organization received when your Qrvey instance was created. To obtain a new API key, contact your Qrvey account representative.

Get the Helper Code

  1. In Qrvey Composer, open the Pixel-perfect Reports feature.
  2. Click the Embed Pixel-perfect Reports button in the upper right corner of the page. A dialog displays with an HTML tag, a JSON configuration object, and the Widget Launcher script tag. This code embeds the Pixel-perfect Reports widget. While you may embed a single report using its ID, the end user will still have access to all the reports available in the widget.
  3. Click Copy to copy the code, and then paste it into your preferred editor.

Embed the HTML tag

Identify where you would like this widget to display in your application, and then add the HTML tag in that location. The HTML tag for this widget is:

<qrvey-pixel-builder settings="config"></qrvey-pixel-builder>

Embed the Widget Launcher script tag

Add the widget launcher script tag to your application. For reference, the launcher script code is:


Set Properties in the JSON Configuration Object

Define the JSON configuration object by starting with the script provided in the helper code, and then adding additional configuration properties as needed. The script provided contains only the required properties. For reference, an example is copied below. The helper code that you obtained above should include the unique values indicated with brackets (“<>”):

var config = {
"api_key": "<API_KEY>",
"domain": "https://your_qrvey_domain",
"app_id": "<APP_ID>",
"user_id": "<USER_ID>",

When complete, add the JSON configuration object to your application.

Configuration Object Properties

The following table lists the properties associated with this widget.

api_keyString, Your organization’s unique API token required to access the Qrvey platform.Yes
app_idString, ID of the Qrvey application containing the webform.Yes
user_idString, ID of the Qrvey Composer user account accessing this feature. Optional: You can alternately specify the user ID in a Qrvey session cookie.Yes
domainString, The base URL of your instance of the Qrvey platform.Yes
qv_tokenA more secure way to authenticate and authorize embedded widgets is through a Security Token requested as a backend-to-backend communication between your backend side of the host application and the Qrvey system.Yes, if no api_key is provided
report_idString, used to embed a specific report.No
show_embed_buttonBoolean, shows or hides the embed button. By default the embed button is hidden in embedded scenarios.No
show_formulas_buttonBoolean, shows or hides the formula modal button in the toolbar. It is visible by default.No
parameter_valuesObject. {key1: value, key2: value}, you can set the value of a parameter from the configuration object. This value will override the default value set for the parameter.No

Sample Code

The following sample demonstrates how this widget can be used in an HTML page. To use this code in your application, replace the values in brackets (“<>”) with your own values.

HTML tag:

<!-- widget's tag -->
<qrvey-pixel-builder settings="config"></qrvey-pixel-builder>

Widget launcher script:

<!-- widget's launcher -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<WIDGETS_URL>/widgets-launcher/app.js"></script>

JSON configuration object:

<!-- widget's Config Object -->
var config = {
"api_key": "<YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY>",
"domain": "https://your_qrvey_domain",
"app_id": "<APP_ID>",
"user_id": "<USER_ID>",

See also: Introduction to Pixel-perfect Reports